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About Us

Welcome Sister, Mother, & Friend. 


This little corner of the world wide web is dedicated to the infinite possibilities that exist within us at any given moment.  

 It is dedicated to the enrichment of our whole beings and the inner terrain that we must traverse to step into our greatest alignment, harmony, and experience that life has to offer. It is the culmination point between Divine Destiny and Free Will where creativity and empowerment collide. 


My mission is in supporting women & mothers everywhere in stepping into their highest expression of creation, joy & service through self-healing and works of the He(Art).


About Me

Mother & Muse. 


I am often found flowing and transforming in direct relationship with my life at any given moment, which means I'm always changing! I've done many things and held many titles including retreat organizer, yoga and meditation teacher, studio owner, women's circle facilitator, wellness practitioner, etc. but none are as pure as the following truth: my soul purpose is in alchemizing my current experiences of life into he(art) service. I love community building and my gifts are in helping others remember the innate power within themselves at every stage of life along the spiral.


My current expressions are in the co-creation of a digital Mother's magazine and online community, holding meditative tea ceremony spaces for individuals to come together to feel, heal, and be in presence with one another, and most recently, the creation of multiple frequency support programs, such as the Mother & Father Frequency programs, which are designed to uplift and support women, men and the archetypal family in stepping into overflow by activating their authentic blueprint as wayshowers of the next generation and stewards of Mother Earth as well as a six week nervous system support program designed to heal separation trauma in the body. 


I am honoured and grateful for this point of intersection where our lives collide as I know in my heart, the divinity within it. 


Current Offerings 

The Mother Frequency 

Custom frequency program designed to support women & mothers all over the world in activating their authentic blueprint as a wayshower for the next generations & caretaker of Mother Earth. 


The Father Frequency: Coming Soon.

Under the Same Moon

A seasonally birthed online publication & community, following the rhythms of the feminine & weaving stories, poetry, myths, and so much more into an exquisite tapestry.

Woven together by mothers, for mothers. 

Tea & Talk Thursdays 

A weekly online container where we will dive into the heart medicine that arises from shared bowls of tea. With presence, wisdom and community as the pillars that hold us and special guests each month to share with us the medicine of their own being. 

flower water

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