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Welcome Mothers of the Now Earth, 


You are here for a specific reason and you know it within every cell of your being, to reclaim what it means to be an embodied Mother.


This frequency was designed with the intent of supporting mothers on exiting survival-mode and instead thriving in true authentic alignment, abundance, nourishment, and purpose. In living from the place from which your cup overflows and you can be in service to your children, your family, and your communities, with radiance. 


Imagine this…

You are calm, centred, & peaceful.

Your days are filled with joy and go-with-flow energy, moment to moment.

You transmute and release old karmic patterns from childhood.

You show up as parent with grounded compassion and hear the voice of your inner wise woman, even in the midst of chaos. 

You are supported in stepping into your highest purpose and authentic blueprint as a way shower for the next generation.

You hold the key to the Universe and open up the portals for Miracles in your life.

You are attuned to the heartbeat of the Great Mother Earth. 



This frequency is designed for all women, not just Mothers, as it assists each and every one of us in activating the maturation of the divine feminine mother archetype and our authentic blueprint as wayshowers of the future generation and stewards of Mother Earth. 


This frequency was uniquely crafted by myself (a Mother) and Derek Nakamura with each individual frequency being infused with the Mana (spiritual life force energy or healing power that permeates the universe) of the Big Island of Hawaii, where Derek was born.

The Mother Frequency


    • There is a total of 14 powerful frequencies built into this program. Here are just a few examples of the individual frequencies included in The Mother Frequency:

      • ~ Theta Waves to release anger, fear & irritability 

      • ~ Earth's Schuman Resonance 

      • ~ The Manifestation Frequency 369 Hz

      • ~ Angelic & Universal Solfeggio Frequencies

      • ~ Karmic Reset Frequency for the seven cosmic patterns of violence, victimhood, hatred, addiction, shame, prejudice, and arrogance.

      • ~ Flow State Frequency 

      • ~ Venus Activation of Feminine harmony, beauty, & sensuality. 

      • ~ Frequencies to Reduce Stress & Diminish Anxiety 

      • ~ The Love Frequency. 

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